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Things To Know When Changing Your Name After Tying the Knot

Things To Know When Changing Your Name After Tying the Knot

You've exchanged those sweet vows, exchanged shiny rings, and celebrated with your nearest and dearest. But is it a done deal? Not quite! If you're feeling the vibe to change your last name after marriage (entirely your decision!), Amarra's got a few more steps to make it official. Keep scrolling for our guide on owning that fresh name after saying, "I do.”

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Common Questions About Changing Your Name Post-Wedding

Let's start with the fun part! Before we get into the details, here are some answers to common questions about changing your name after tying the knot.

Is Changing Your Surname Post-Wedding a Good Move?

Should you change or not change your last name after getting married? It's a dilemma many brides grapple with before saying, "I do." We've highlighted the upsides and downsides of taking on a new last name to help you navigate this decision. Ultimately, whether you opt for a name switch is entirely your call.


  1. Having the same last name as your partner makes you feel like a team, especially if you plan to start a family.
  2. Changing your name after marriage makes you look like a power couple, making things easier with schools and other couples.
  3. Many view changing one's name after marriage as a significant symbol of the commitment made to each other.
  4. If you're not fond of your current last name, this provides a convenient opportunity for a change.
  5. People might assume it even if you don't change officially, making it easy to use your partner's name in social situations. There is no need to deal with official paperwork!
  6. Finally, If you both want name recognition, why not hyphenate? Mix and match for a shared last name!


  1. Changing your name after marriage might make you feel like a missing puzzle piece, even though getting married doesn't change who you are.
  2. Same-sex couples might find it tricky to pick a last name, and changing it could give off vibes they're not into.
  3. If you're the last one in your family with your name or don't have many relatives sharing it, keeping that family legacy might matter to you.
  4. If you like your unique or catchy name, why change it?
  5. Professionals might need help to rebuild their reputation with a different last name in their career.
  6. Wanting to keep your last name is acceptable. Don't give in to the pressure; many people keep their names nowadays.

How Long Does It Take to Change Your Name After Tying the Knot?

When can you start using your new name after getting married? Well, in most U.S. states, it takes 2-8 weeks. Connecticut is pretty quick at 3-5 weeks, while Colorado and Florida take a more relaxed 4-5 months. There's no need to stress; it's just waiting for the legal magic to happen!

How Much Time Do You Have to Change Your Name After Tying the Knot?

Is there a deadline for changing your name after getting married? Good news – there isn't any deadline! You can take your time or decide not to change it at all. It's totally your call!!

After Marriage, Does Your Name Change Automatically?

Is there an automatic shift in your name when you say your vows? Nope! In the U.S., the law is crystal clear: saying "I do" doesn't automatically swap your name. You're not required to take your husband's last name. You and your partner can decide whether to change your names, swap them, or mix them with a hyphen. It's all up to you!

What's the Process for Changing My Name After I Get Married?

Prepare for some lines at the Social Security office and the DMV, and follow our simple steps to give your name a makeover after saying "I Do." We've got your back, making the whole process as simple as a sunny day.

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Secure Your Marriage Certificate

Before changing your name, make sure you have the original or an official copy of your marriage license. If it didn't arrive in your mailbox, call the county clerk's office where you filed your license and get a copy. This document will be your buddy as you update all your official papers for a smooth and easy transition!

Change Your Social Security Card

Give your name a post-wedding upgrade with a new Social Security card! Don't worry, your number stays the same; we're changing your card to match your new last name. Fill out the form for the card upgrade. Then, visit your local Social Security office. Your fresh card will arrive in just 10 business days.

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Change Your License at the DMV

Get set for a trip to the DMV! Bring your IDs, such as your old license, marriage certificate, passport, residency proof, and the new Social Security card. There might be lines, so check online to see if you can schedule an appointment in advance!

Update Your Bank and Credit Card Info

Change your name at the bank quickly! Just go to the bank with your ID and marriage certificate. If they don't mention it, ask for new checks and cards with your new name. Simple and enjoyable!

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Update Your Name on Your Passport and Travel Documents

Update your new name on your passport after the honeymoon! Just make sure it matches your other travel papers. If your passport is less than a year old, you can change it for free. If it's older, it'll cost $110. Mail in your request, and the U.S. The Department of State has a handy tool to help you fill out the change form! 

Provide Your Updated Name and Banking Information to Your Workplace

Select a polished professional name and share your banking info with your boss! If you change your name after getting hitched, send a friendly email to your work friends, clients, and vendors after your honeymoon. Your company must update your email to match your new last name.

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Finish Off Any Unresolved Matters

Finish up the little things! Changing your name is a piece of cake once you have your new Social Security card and driver's license. Make some calls, use that marriage license, update your info with insurance and utilities, and give your social media a fun makeover!

We hope these tips made changing your name after the wedding a breeze! For more wedding advice, check out our wedding blog posts. Cheers to the name game!

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